Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (2024)

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Spicy, sweet, and full of flavor, this easy Cranberry Salsa recipe is a mouthwatering addition to your holiday spread. It's SO good it will quickly become your signature holiday snack. Everyone will beg for the recipe!

this recipe

Cranberry Salsa? Yup, you read that right. It’s cranberry season and cranberries never get the love and respect they deserve. So we changed that and made an appetizer that will be the star of your next happy hour.

Think of it as a fun, seasonal spin on the traditional pepper jelly and cream cheese appetizer that everyone knows and loves.

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  • Why you will love this salsa
  • Ingredients
  • Instructions
  • FAQs
  • Expert Tips for the best salsa
  • More Cranberry Recipes
  • Recipe

Why you will love this salsa

  • It's easy to make! Just chop, stir and refrigerate to let the flavors develop.
  • It's full of flavor from the cranberries, jalapeno and cilantro.
  • It's versatile! Serve it with cream cheese, crostini or eat it straight up as a relish.
Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (2)


The list is short but this salsa is full of flavor!

Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (3)


This recipe takes just minutes to make from start to finish. The longest part is waiting for the flavors to meld together in the fridge!

Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (4)

Place cranberries in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Add sugar and stir to combine.

Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (5)

Add cilantro, green onions, jalapeño, salt, and the juice of one lime.

Place in a glass dish, cover, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.


Do I have to chill the salsa?

Be sure to let the salsa chill for at least 4 hours, overnight is even better. If you try and eat it right away, your mouth will pucker. Those cranberries need to hang out in the sugar mixture to mellow their tartness. But once they do, you won't be able to stop eating.

How spicy is this salsa?

It's as spicy as you want it to be! Spicy sweet is one of my favorite combinations. This salsa has a subtle heat that is easy to amp it up with additional jalapeno or temper it by cutting back.

Can I make this without a food processor?

No worries! You can still make this cranberry salsa without a food processor, it will just take you a little longer. Grab your favorite large knife and a cutting board and chop away.
Pro Tip: Use a cutting board with an edge so that the cranberries aren’t rolling all over the kitchen. This board has saved me a mess more times than I can count.

Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (6)

Expert Tips for the best salsa

✘ You can decide how smooth or chunky you want it. Me? I’m a chunky salsa kind of gal, so I just give it a couple of quick whirls in the food processor.

✘ If you like it spicier, feel free to add more jalapeñoor keep the seeds in.

✘ Short on time? Sometimes I pop the jalapeno, onions and cilantro in the food processor and let it do ALL the work.

✘ The waiting is the hardest, but most important part! Be sure to wait for a few hours before diving in to let the flavors develop.

Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (7)

More Cranberry Recipes

We love cranberries!

Check out our whole collection of simple appetizer recipes!

Did you make this recipe? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Please rate the recipe and leave a comment below. Your feedback helps us and your fellow readers! 


Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (12)

Spicy Cranberry Salsa with Cream Cheese

Garnish With Lemon

This Spicy Cranberry Salsa recipe is a mouthwatering addition to your holiday spread.

4.84 from 12 votes

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Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Additional Time 4 hours hrs

Total Time 4 hours hrs 15 minutes mins

Course Appetizers

Cuisine American

Servings 8 servings

Calories 60 kcal


  • 1 12-ounce bag cranberries, fresh
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • 1 cup cilantro chopped
  • 4 green onions chopped
  • 1 jalapeno pepper seeded and minced
  • 1 lime juiced
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 block cream cheese for serving


  • Place cranberries in bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely chopped.

    1 12-ounce bag cranberries, fresh

  • Add sugar and stir to combine.

    ½ cup white sugar

  • Add cilantro, green onions, jalapeño, salt and the juice of one lime.

    1 cup cilantro, 4 green onions, 1 jalapeno pepper, 1 lime, 1 pinch salt

  • Place in glass dish and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight.

  • Place cream cheese on a plate and use a slotted spoon to mound the cranberry salsa on top.

    1 block cream cheese

  • Serve with crackers or bread.


✘ You can decide how smooth or chunky you want the salsa. Any way to chop them works, so pick what texture you prefer. Me? I’m a chunky salsa kind of gal, so I just give it a couple of quick whirls.

✘ If you like it spicier, feel free to add more jalapeñoor keep the seeds in.

✘ Short on time? Sometimes I pop the jalapeno, onions, and cilantro in the food processor and let it do ALL the work.

✘ The waiting is the hardest, but most important part! Be sure to wait for a few hours before diving in to let the flavors develop.



Serving: 2tablespoonsCalories: 60kcalCarbohydrates: 12gProtein: 1gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 4mgSodium: 31mgFiber: 1gSugar: 10g

Nutrition info not guaranteed to be accurate.

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Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (13)

About Lisa

Hi, I’m Lisa! Looking for the party? It’s probably at my house. Nothing brings me more joy than sharing good food with friends and family. That and a seriously good co*cktail.

Reader Interactions


  1. Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (14)Lydia says

    This is close to a recipe I used ...but lost . I could eat it as a meal.
    I also add half an orange and Granny Smith apple finely diced. I also use the zest from the orange and the lime not to mention the juice from the other half of the orange and a splash of apple cider vinegar. Always have rave reviews with this recipe!


    • Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (15)Kim says

      Is it possible to use canned cranberry sauce instead of fresh cranberries?


      • Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (16)Lisa says

        I don’t think canned cranberry sauce would work because the cranberries are too soft and there is too much liquid. You can definitely use frozen cranberries. If you try it with cranberry sauce let me know how it turns out!

  2. Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (17)Brenda says

    Would it be okay to make this a couole of days in advanced, minus the cream cheese?


    • Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (18)Lisa says



  3. Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (19)Haley says

    Has anybody ever froze this?


    • Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (20)Lisa says

      I haven't but can't imagine why it wouldn't work. Let me know if you try it and how it turns out!


  4. Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (21)Mary says

    This was so good, everyone loved it and wants the recipe.


  5. Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (22)Carolyn T says

    I just made a VERY similar recipe yesterday (slightly different than yours) and can't find where I acquired the recipe - I always like to give credit where it's due. But just wanted to comment that your photos of this are just beautiful. I have a good close-up lens, but don't usually take the time to use it since I have to change out my regular one. Anyway, congrats on the photos. Now I'm going to take a look at other recipes on your blog.


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Easy Cranberry Salsa Recipe (2024)


Why won't my cranberry sauce set? ›

One possibility is that you may not have used enough sugar: Sugar helps the sauce firm up, so be sure to use the full amount called for in a recipe. Another possibility is that the cranberries need to boil for longer, releasing their pectin and ensuring a jelly consistency.

How do you get the bitterness out of cranberry sauce? ›

Add A Splash Of Vinegar

While citrus is a natural pairing for cranberry sauce, bright, savory vinegars like sherry vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and apple cider vinegar play well with the bitter-tart berries. Start with a little, then add more gradually. It's easy to overdo it when in comes to bold vinegars.

Why does my cranberry sauce taste weird? ›

Dear Evelyn: I had the same problem when I first started making my own cranberry sauce. I found out that you should cook them just until they pop. Further cooking will make them bitter, and once that happens, you need to start again.

What if I add too much water to cranberry sauce? ›

What to do if the cranberry sauce is too thin or loose. If you inadvertently added too much water, simply bring the cranberry sauce back to the stove top and bring it to a low boil, cooking it down just a bit to help thicken it up.

What happens if cranberry sauce doesn't thicken? ›

You may have added too much liquid to the cranberries. In addition to pectin, cranberries contain water, which means you only need to add a splash of liquid to get the cooking going. Add too much and you'll be stirring at the stove much longer than expected. Again, more time on the stove will fix this problem.

How do you thicken cranberry sauce after it cools? ›

The sauce will thicken as it cools. If you want a cranberry mold that holds its shape, continue to boil the mixture so that more pectin is released from the fruit, additional water evaporates, and the sauce becomes thick enough to set into a firm gel.

Are you supposed to melt cranberry sauce? ›

It's perfectly fine to serve up cranberry sauce — whole berry or jelled — straight out of the can. But in my experience, heating the canned sauce up takes its flavor to the next level. Plus, it becomes a little more aesthetically pleasing.

Why do you open cranberry sauce upside down? ›

But why? Ocean Spray says this is to get the cranberry sauce out in one intact piece. “The rounded part of the can that looks like the bottom has an air bubble in it,” Ocean Spray's representative explains. The bubble is there so you can “break the seal the sauce makes with the can.”

How do you take the tartness out of cranberries? ›

Anything from a drizzle of honey to agave, maple syrup, or molasses will also fare well. After a few minutes of maceration, the sour fruit juices will mix with the sugar and alleviate some of the cranberries' natural tartness.

What are the cons of cranberry sauce? ›

Buying cranberry sauce at the grocery store can come with extra unnecessary ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is linked to a variety of health problems, including weight gain and type 2 diabetes.

Why does my cranberry sauce taste metallic? ›

Cranberries are often cooked with so much sugar overwhelming their natural acidity. Consider starting with half as much sugar as a recipe calls for and then adding to suit yourself. Because of that acidity they shouldn't be cooked in an aluminum pan because they will take on a metallic taste.

Can you eat too much cranberry sauce? ›

Cranberries are generally safe, but they can sometimes lead to upset stomach and diarrhea when eaten in large quantities, especially by young children. Mayo Clinic cautions against drinking cranberry juice if you're on a blood-thinning medication, such as warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven).

Why is my homemade cranberry sauce runny? ›

You must cook the sauce for at least 10 minutes at a full boil for the pectin to react with the sugar and create the proper gelled texture. It is also important to let the cranberry sauce cool at room temperature. Moving it to the refrigerator too soon may also affect the gel.

Should cranberry sauce be served warm or cold? ›

Cranberry sauce is best served at room temperature or slightly chilled. (You've got enough things on the menu to warm up! Don't make the list longer!) I tend to make cranberry sauce a few days before Thanksgiving and then set it on the table about an hour or two before we plan to eat.

Why is my cranberry sauce seedy? ›

Why is my cranberry sauce so seedy? Cranberries do have seeds inside them. Sometimes, when using frozen cranberries, if it does not cook long enough, the seeds may not break down. This can cause the sauce to taste seedy.

How do you thicken cranberry sauce without gelatin? ›

In a small cup make a slurry with cornstarch and 1 tablespoon water. Whisk cornstarch mixture into cranberry sauce and cook, whisking, until sauce thickens. Taste and add more sugar, if necessary.

Can homemade cranberry sauce sit out? ›

When to Toss Cranberry Sauce. Cranberry sauce will last for two hours at room temperature. Homemade cranberry sauce will last in the fridge for 10 to 14 days. Canned cranberry sauce that has been opened will last up to a week in the fridge.

Why does cranberry sauce thicken? ›

When the cranberries are heated, the berries begin to break down and pop open. The pectin is then released and reacts with the sugar and juices to form long polymers and thicken the sauce. This process creates the cranberry sauces and jellies which are so familiar at holiday dinners.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.