Homemade Iced Lattes and Mochas | Recipes (2024)

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Homemade Iced Lattes and Mochas | Recipes (1)

I’ve spent a good amount of energyperfecting my homemade espresso recipes using the Aeropress Espresso Maker (Amazon). I’ve actually started to prefer what I make at home over Starbucks. But what’s a latte-loving girl to do when the weather heats up? Put it on ice!

I could make a hot latte and pour it over ice, but I don’t like how quickly the ice melts, leaving me with a watered down drink. I searched the internet and found several recipes to make a cold-brewed coffee that claims to be smooth and less bitter that traditionally brewed java, but I don’t want iced coffee, I want a latte. Sugar, milk, and all.

I decided to just modify the cold-brewed iced coffee recipes and make it a latte! The result is a smooth, rich, sweet drink that is a snap to make and doesn’t require any coffee making equipment! Bonus that it’s insanely cheaper than anything you’ll get at your local coffee shop and, dare I say, better?

This is the ideal recipe for spring and summer, and especially nice if you’re camping and don’t have electricity (or don’t want to lug around a coffee or espresso maker).

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The first step is to cold-brew yourself some coffee concentrate.


Based on the Perfect Iced Coffee recipe from The Pioneer Woman


1 cup of coarsely ground coffee*
4 cups of cold water

If you’re looking for a stronger coffee flavor, decrease your coffee to water ratio from 1:4 to 1:3.

*The best option is to grind your own coffee from whole beans (any variety will do, but the more expensive the coffee, the better it will taste — if you’re new at this and want a coffee-house style latte or mocha, select an espresso or another dark roast — Amazon). Select the french press option (or as coarsely ground as you can) if you’re grinding in the grocery store. You can try using the already-ground drip coffee sold in grocery stores but I think it tastes like coffee-flavored dish water.

If you purchase your whole beans at Starbucks or another coffee shop, they will grind it for you. Again, make sure you tell them you’re cold-brewing coffee and need it to be ground for a french-press.


Pour the water in a jar or bowl. Add the coffee grounds on top and stir the grounds into the water. The grounds will float to the top.

Cover and put the container in the refrigerator (or cooler if you’re camping). Let it brew for at least 8 hours (you can leave it in the fridge for up to 24 hours). It can also steep at room temperature. It doesn’t really matter.

After 8-24 hours, layer two pieces of cheese cloth in a colander or strainer. Pour the coffee and grounds through cheese cloth and strainer into a bowl. Press the coffee grounds with a spoon to get more coffee out.

Rinse the cheese cloth off in the sink to remove the coffee grounds and fold it so there’s now four layers. Strain the coffee again. You could also strain it through a coffee filter at this point. The more you strain the coffee, the less “sludge” you’ll have at the bottom of your concentrate. I strained my concentrate three times and it turned out perfect.

Put your concentrate into a jar, bottle, or re-purposed milk jug and store it in your refrigerator. It will be tasty for a couple of weeks.

Now, here’s how to make your iced-latte or mocha!



  • Ice
  • Sweetener
  • Coffee concentrate
  • Milk or milk substitute


Grab a cup and fill it with ice.

Add your sweetener. You have several options:

  • Coffee syrup like Torani or Da Vinci (Cash & Carry (now Smart Food Service) has the best prices on bottled syrup, plus they have an enormous selection. You can also buy in most grocery stores or directly from Starbucks.)
  • Regular sugar or other granulated sweetener (Truvia, Stevia in the Raw, Equal, etc)
  • Honey (heat it up until it’s runny before adding)
  • Simple syrup (bring equal amounts of water and sugar to a boil until the sugar completely dissolves; use like regular coffee syrup)
  • Chocolate syrup like Hershey’s

I suggest you go light on the sweetener (start at 1-2 tablespoons) and increase it after you’ve tasted the finished drink.

Add your coffee concentrate. The typical recipe calls for 1:1 coffee to milk ratio, so start with filling the cup half way with coffee. If you’re not a regular coffee drinker, use less coffee. If you’re on the opposite end of the spectrum, you might fill your cup almost to the brim with coffee.

Fill the cup with milk or milk substitute (rice, soy, coconut). Unflavored milk will work best unless you’re omitting the added sweetener.

Stir & enjoy!


Homemade Iced Lattes and Mochas | Recipes (12)

If you love cold brew but hate the mess of using a cheese cloth to strain the grounds, consider grabbing this highly-ratedBodum Cold Brew Coffee Maker. Super simple little container, but includes a built-in filter for straining the grounds.

Looking for more coffee goodness?

Homemade Iced Lattes and Mochas | Recipes (15)

Homemade Iced Lattes and Mochas | Recipes (16)Follow Frugal Living NW on Pinterest!

Fantastic range of boards from best recipes and tips for frugal living to gardening and budgeting help.

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Homemade Iced Lattes and Mochas | Recipes (2024)


What is Iced Mocha Latte made of? ›


The rich combination of our full-bodied espresso with a sweet mocha sauce, milk and ice is the secret behind this delicious treat. Top it off with ice & whipped cream for the ultimate ice-cold coffee.

What's the difference between an iced mocha and an iced latte? ›

An iced latte is made with 25% espresso coffee and 75% milk of choice, while an iced mocha is made with 10% chocolate sauce, 40% brewed coffee, 40% milk of choice, and 10% whipped cream on top. The espresso in the iced latte contributes to its higher caffeine content compared to the brewed coffee in the iced mocha.

How to make an iced latte like a coffee shop? ›

Iced Latte
  1. Fill a tall glass with ice, and pour in the freshly brewed espresso.
  2. Pour the milk and optional sweetener into a mason jar until it's ¾ full.
  3. Seal the jar tightly, and shake, shake, shake.
  4. Pour the milk and foam into the glass with the ice and espresso.

Is mocha just a latte with chocolate? ›

The difference between these two drinks primarily comes from their ingredients: a mocha consists of espresso, chocolate syrup or powder, and steamed milk, while a latte is made with espresso and steamed milk. Mocha has a strong chocolate flavor with a hint of coffee, while latte offers a milder coffee flavor.

Is latte healthier than mocha? ›

A latte generally has fewer calories, ranging from 100 to 200 depending on the type and amount of milk used. A mocha, on the other hand, has a higher calorie count, often doubling or even tripling the calories of a latte due to the addition of chocolate sauce or syrup.

Is a latte stronger than iced coffee? ›

An iced latte is made with espresso shots, containing around 75 mg of caffeine per shot, while an iced coffee is made with brewed coffee or instant coffee, having around 95 mg of caffeine per serving. Iced coffees usually have more caffeine since they contain more brewed coffee than espresso in iced lattes.

What is the ratio of espresso to milk in an iced latte? ›

Depending on the size of the drink, lattes usually have one to three ounces of espresso with six to 10 ounces of milk. Lattes are known for having a very balanced taste. They contain all the richness of the espresso with the smooth, creamy, and subtle sweetness of the milk.

What is a frappe vs latte? ›

The key differences between a frappe and a latte: Temperature: Frappes are cold, while lattes are classically served hot. Coffee flavor: Lattes have a stronger coffee flavor, while frappes are sweeter. Preparation: Lattes require freshly made espresso shots, and frappes use pre-made coffee.

What kind of milk is best for iced lattes? ›

WHAT MILK SHOULD YOU USE IN AN ICED LATTE? For a nice creamy flavour that doesn't overpower the coffee, whole milk is always best. If you are looking for dairy-free milk options, there are a few. Make sure to use a 'barista' style for the best results.

Is an iced latte just poured over ice? ›

It consists of espresso that is chilled and poured over ice, then topped up with cold milk and optionally, flavored syrups.

How is McDonald's Iced Mocha made? ›

Made with sustainably sourced espresso beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms, our refreshingly cool Iced Mocha Latte recipe is made with whole milk, chocolate syrup, and finished with whipped light cream and chocolate drizzle. Available in small, medium, and large sizes.

What does Dunkin put in their iced latte? ›

Made with milk blended with our rich, freshly ground and brewed espresso, our Iced Latte has the perfect balance of cool and creamy to get you goin'. Our Iced Lattes are not regularly made with Whipped Cream. Whipped Cream is available upon request as an add-on.

What is in a mocha latte at Starbucks? ›

This Starbucks classic combines espresso, bittersweet mocha sauce and steamed milk for a sweetly satisfying coffee. Top it off with whipped cream and chocolate shavings for a delicious mug of coffee ready to be enjoyed any time at home.

What is in a mocha latte from Starbucks? ›

This Starbucks classic combines espresso, bittersweet mocha sauce and steamed milk for a sweetly satisfying coffee. Top it off with whipped cream and chocolate shavings for a delicious mug of coffee ready to be enjoyed any time at home.

What is the difference between mocha and mocha latte? ›

Mochas. The defining feature of the mocha is the inclusion of chocolate. This drink is a variant of a latte but is made with less milk. This creates a mocha drink much more potent than a traditional mocha, providing more caffeine per sip.

Is a mocha latte just a mocha? ›

On the other hand, a mocha is technically a latte with chocolate syrup added for extra taste. Some coffee enthusiasts even call it a mocha latte if they want to further designate the difference between other types of lattes and espresso-based beverages, such as a chai latte.

Does mocha latte have caffeine? ›

Latte: A latte typically includes one shot of espresso, resulting in a caffeine content of about 75 mg per 12-ounce serving. Mocha: A mocha has more caffeine than a latte since the chocolate used in the sauce also contains caffeine. A 12-ounce mocha has approximately 95 mg of caffeine.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.